Colearn Contributor | September 12, 2022
"It's a lot of fun! I never thought before of using object's shadows in my artwork."
In this week's class Lenna created three separate sketches, but the one featured above, was her favorite and said that the inspiration came easiest to her.
Taking inspiration from self-titled “Shadowologist” and artist Vincent Val, our art club student’s mission was to find an every day object from their environment to use for a shadow drawing. The challenge was to incorporate the shadow into a line drawing creating an original character or scene. Ms. Y... as the kids call her says, “The fun is in finding the potential in an everyday item, like turning the shadow of a candle stick into a snowman."
Ms. Y, believes in the importance of nurturing the child’s playful mind and spirit through art project like this. Ms. Y, in alignment with Colearn’s educational philosophy, believes in nurturing the innate creativity that is often under valued in traditional education model. At Colearn we believe that creative thinking is one of the most valuable future ready skills a learner can possess.
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